Are You A Plotter or a Pantster? We see these quizzes online—are you a plotter or a pantster?—and we’re supposed to fit neatly into one box or the other. If you’re not familiar with the terms, a plotter is a writer who plots out the story before writing and a pantser is someone who “flies … Continue reading More Unlocking the Magic of Writing: A Guide to Completing Your Novel
Author: Meredith Allard
Unlocking the Magic of Writing: A Guide to Starting Your Novel
Another How-To Write Post I know these “How To Write” posts are a dime a dozen, but I’ve been asked to share how I get myself started when tackling a new project, so here it is is. I should point out that this is how I begin a novel. If you ask ten different novelists … Continue reading Unlocking the Magic of Writing: A Guide to Starting Your Novel
Reading Recommendations: Historical Fiction, Poetry, and Magical Realism.
I finally have enough juice in the tank to write the first draft of my latest novel, so that has been keeping me busy lately. My daily word count is 500 words minimum a day when I’m writing a first draft, but things are flowing smoothly, and most days I write about 1000 words. At the … Continue reading Reading Recommendations: Historical Fiction, Poetry, and Magical Realism.
Day Jobs for Writers: Finding Balance, Funding Dreams, and Fueling Creativity
Jobs: Day Jobs or Otherwise... Last week I watched a YouTube video from someone who called themselves a full-time writer who admitted later in the video that they use the money they make from content creation, part-time retail work, and other sales jobs to support themselves. That person is spending a percentage of their working … Continue reading Day Jobs for Writers: Finding Balance, Funding Dreams, and Fueling Creativity
An Unrelated Post About the L.A. Fires
I bumped another post I had planned for today to say a few words about the L.A. fires. I know this is off-topic for this blog, which focuses on writing, books, and reading, but I felt compelled to add my two cents about the armageddon world-on-fire that has been consuming the place I consider home. … Continue reading An Unrelated Post About the L.A. Fires
Rediscover Joy in the Writing Process
What are you willing to give up in order to become who you really need to be? —Elizabeth Gilbert Writers are like anyone else. We require shelter, food, and water. We need companionship, in human or animal form. We do better if we recognize our purpose in this world. For me, that purpose is writing. … Continue reading Rediscover Joy in the Writing Process
Happy Holidays: Popular Holiday Posts
While I recover from a stubborn sinus infection, I thought I'd share the links to this blog's most popular holiday posts. Christmas in the Massachusetts Bay Colony Mrs. Beeton's Recipes For a Perfectly Proper Christmas What Were Some Popular Victorian Christmas Traditions? Happy holidays to everyone. See you in 2025.
Exploring My Favorite Mystery Novels (Including Agatha Christie!)
It’s always a little sad for me when the beautiful orange, gold, and red leaves fall from the trees at the beginning of winter. Yes, I know that’s why we call it Fall here in the U.S. when everyone else in the world calls it Autumn. But there’s still a shock when the skeleton-like branch-fingers … Continue reading Exploring My Favorite Mystery Novels (Including Agatha Christie!)