It’s always a little sad for me when the beautiful orange, gold, and red leaves fall from the trees at the beginning of winter. Yes, I know that’s why we call it Fall here in the U.S. when everyone else in the world calls it Autumn. But there’s still a shock when the skeleton-like branch-fingers … Continue reading Exploring My Favorite Mystery Novels (Including Agatha Christie!)
Author: Meredith Allard
Happy Thanksgiving: Remember Gratitude
Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it. ―Mary Oliver Once again it is Thanksgiving week. This has been a crazy year for many reasons, and often, when things feel their bleakest, I do my best to strive for gratitude. I do have a lot to be thankful for. A job … Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving: Remember Gratitude
The Swirl and Swing of Words is an Amazon #1 New Release in Authorship
Just a quick note today to let you know that The Swirl and Swing of Words: Embracing the Writing Life was named a #1 New Release on Amazon in Authorship as well as Creativity Self-Help and Authorship Reference. I'm always amazed when things like this happen. Thank you to everyone who has bought the book, … Continue reading The Swirl and Swing of Words is an Amazon #1 New Release in Authorship
The Swirl and Swing of Words: Embracing the Writing Life is Now Available
I’ve been hoping to be able to make this announcement this autumn and here it is. My newest nonfiction book, The Swirl and Swing of Words: Embracing the Writing Life, is available today, Tuesday, October 29, 2024, in ebook format on Amazon, BN, Apple, and wherever books are sold. An AI-narrated audiobook is available from … Continue reading The Swirl and Swing of Words: Embracing the Writing Life is Now Available
Her Dear & Loving Husband is Featured on Freebooksy
Every year I enjoy seeing lists of favorite autumn reads. Her Dear & Loving Husband certainly fits that bill. It has vampires, witches, and the Salem Witch Trials. Also, most of the story takes place in New England in the autumn. What could be better? If you've been wanting to read Her Dear & Loving … Continue reading Her Dear & Loving Husband is Featured on Freebooksy
Exploring Dark Academia: A Guide to the Genre
I had a wonderful summer, for which I’m thankful. I managed to balance working on two different book projects, one fiction and one nonfiction, and I also took time to just exist and enjoy my summer break. I baked a lot and then I ate what I baked. Otherwise, why bake? I checked out some … Continue reading Exploring Dark Academia: A Guide to the Genre
Delve into ‘Victory Garden’ and the Suffrage Movement History
One of My Favorite Books As much as I love the Loving Husband Series and the Hembry Castle Chronicles, one of my books that really stands out to me is Victory Garden, a novel of the American women's suffrage movement. I've been so caught up writing about James and Sarah for the past few years … Continue reading Delve into ‘Victory Garden’ and the Suffrage Movement History
Frequently Asked Questions: And Shadows Will Fall Edition
Happy summer everyone. I'm always happy it's summer, but this year even more so. I recently did a promotion for Her Dear & Loving Husband, and nearly 2000 copies were downloaded in five days. The book was as low as #88 overall in the entire Amazon store, and it hung out at #1 in Historical … Continue reading Frequently Asked Questions: And Shadows Will Fall Edition