Writers Can Watch TV and Call It Work There’s a joke I’ve seen on Pinterest, a cartoon of a writer watching TV. The character says, “I’m researching!” to the cynical-looking people standing nearby. For those of us who write fiction, we know that watching TV or movies, listening to music, or going for walks really … Continue reading Researching the Victorian Era
Anne Bradstreet: An Inspirational Colonial Woman
Who is Anne Bradstreet? While researching historical fiction, occassionally I’ll stumble onto a fact, or an event, or a person that helps to bring my story to life in a way even I hadn’t envisaged. This is what happened when I discovered Anne Bradstreet while writing Her Dear & Loving Husband. As with most things … Continue reading Anne Bradstreet: An Inspirational Colonial Woman
A Creativity Refresher Course: The Artist’s Way
My Creativity Needed a Boost Last week I started participating in Julia Cameron's 12-week course The Artist's Way. It might seem odd that I would start such a course at this stage of my writing life. I've been writing since I was a teenager, I've had short stories and articles published since 2000, and Her … Continue reading A Creativity Refresher Course: The Artist’s Way
When It Rained at Hembry Castle Named a Best Book of 2016 By IndieReader
Hello everyone! Yes, I'm still officially on hiatus, but I wanted to drop a quick note to let you know that When It Rained at Hembry Castle has been named one of the best self-published books of 2016 by IndieReader in the historical fiction category. The article is currently on The Huffington Post. Thank you … Continue reading When It Rained at Hembry Castle Named a Best Book of 2016 By IndieReader
Four Book Recommendations: An Eclectic List
I'm Taking Time to Read Nonfiction Normally, I read a lot of fiction, mainly historical fiction (surprised, right?), but this summer I was bitten by the Hamilton: An American Musical bug like so many of you. Not only have I listened to the soundtrack more times than I can count (I’m pretty sure I could perform … Continue reading Four Book Recommendations: An Eclectic List
An Interview with Emma Rose Millar
Emma Rose Millar is the co-author of the historical novel Five Guns Blazing, the first place winner of The Chaucer Award in Historical Fiction. Five Guns Blazing is an epic tale of piracy, slavery, and treason. Meredith Allard: When and why did you begin writing, and did you always write historical fiction? Emma Rose Millar: I’ve been writing … Continue reading An Interview with Emma Rose Millar
Are You Pursuing Your Passion?
You May Have More Than One Passion My current writing project, the historical novel that drove me batty over the summer, is now full speed ahead and looking good for its February release. I mention this because I’ve recently become aware of Steven Pressfield’s concept of the shadow career. In his book Turning Pro, one … Continue reading Are You Pursuing Your Passion?
Charlie Britten at The Anne of Green Gables Museum
Visiting Prince Edward Island Here are Charlie Britten's thoughts about her time at the Anne of Green Gables Museum on Prince Edward Island. Anne of Green Gables was one of my favorite books when I was a child, and the museum sounds like someplace I'd like to visit. Visiting the Land of Green … Continue reading Charlie Britten at The Anne of Green Gables Museum