Clothing in Colonial Massachusetts

What Did They Wear in 17th Century Colonial America? Clothing in Massachusetts wasn’t much different than clothing throughout the rest of the American colonies. However, living in the Massachusetts Bay Colony was different because Massachusetts was a theocracy ruled by Puritans. The colonial Puritans were stricter in many ways than their English counterparts, and, oddly … Continue reading Clothing in Colonial Massachusetts

What I’m Reading: The Salem Witch Trials and Some Time Travel

Here are some books I've read recently, when I found time between revising my dissertation, as well as the next books on my To Be Read list. Books I've Read Virgins by Diana Gabaldon I read the first five of Diana Gabaldon's Outlander novels while I was knee-deep in dissertatin'. I love the Outlander books … Continue reading What I’m Reading: The Salem Witch Trials and Some Time Travel