Rediscovering My Connection To Writing A few days ago I was reading the wonderful website Writers in the Storm and I came across this post about the writing resolution that changed the writer’s attitude and ultimately changed her writing career. I nodded a lot as I read the piece because, although the specifics of my … Continue reading When I Nearly Gave Up Writing For Good
Creative Writing
Writing Inspiration: From Plotter To Pantster
Her Dear & Loving Husband is an Award Winner! Before I get to my post today, I wanted to share some wonderful news. Her Dear & Loving Husband is now officially an award-winning novel. James and Sarah have won the Coffee Pot Book Club Book Award for highly recommended novels. Cool, right? Our Writing Process … Continue reading Writing Inspiration: From Plotter To Pantster
What is the One Thing a Writing Book Can’t Teach You?
How-To Writing Books Can Be Inspirational Since Painting the Past: A Guide for Writing Historical Fiction was released I’ve been thinking a lot about writing books. I’ve read many of them, believe me, especially when I was a fresh-faced writer dutifully taking my English, screenwriting, and creative writing courses as an undergrad. I combed through … Continue reading What is the One Thing a Writing Book Can’t Teach You?
A Free Workbook For Writing Historical Fiction
Painting the Past is a #1 New Release on Amazon Oh my! Just a few hours after its release yesterday, Painting the Past was tagged by Amazon as a #1 New Release in both the Authorship and the Authorship Reference categories. I was so excited I couldn't stop taking pictures. Here's Painting the Past between … Continue reading A Free Workbook For Writing Historical Fiction
My Favorite Books About Writing
As I've been adding the finishing touches to my first nonfiction book about writing historical fiction, I've been thinking about the writing books that have inspired me over the years. There are too many to name in a short blog post, but here are a few I go back to again and again. Writing Down … Continue reading My Favorite Books About Writing
Five Tips For Writing an Epistolary Novel
I Like To Seek New Writing Challenges As I said in this post, I like to give myself a new challenge with every novel I write. For Down Salem Way, the challenge was writing my first epistolary novel. What is an Epistolary Novel? If you’re unfamiliar with the term, an epistolary novel is simply a … Continue reading Five Tips For Writing an Epistolary Novel
Discovering New Creative Challenges When Writing Historical Fiction
Searching For New Writing Challenges Every time I write something new I set myself a challenge to do something I’ve never done before. As an artist, I like pushing myself past my comfort zone. I like experimenting and seeing what works (and what does not). Writing is like other forms of art in that once … Continue reading Discovering New Creative Challenges When Writing Historical Fiction
Did That Word Exist Then? Language in Historical Fiction
Wonderful news for James and Sarah/Elizabeth fans. The last draft of Down Salem Way is finished. Really! Okay, the book is not finished finished because it needs final edits and other odds and ends, but the light at the end of the tunnel is bright and clear and within reach. This is where the manuscript … Continue reading Did That Word Exist Then? Language in Historical Fiction