Researching and Writing During a Busy Term I can verify that life as a PhD candidate is a lot of work. There are times when, after long days of researching, writing, and teaching courses at my university, I feel as if I'm lacking even one viable brain cell. I can walk into the supermarket for … Continue reading How to Live Like a Poet According to Jack Kerouac
A Creativity Refresher Course: The Artist’s Way
My Creativity Needed a Boost Last week I started participating in Julia Cameron's 12-week course The Artist's Way. It might seem odd that I would start such a course at this stage of my writing life. I've been writing since I was a teenager, I've had short stories and articles published since 2000, and Her … Continue reading A Creativity Refresher Course: The Artist’s Way
Are You Pursuing Your Passion?
You May Have More Than One Passion My current writing project, the historical novel that drove me batty over the summer, is now full speed ahead and looking good for its February release. I mention this because I’ve recently become aware of Steven Pressfield’s concept of the shadow career. In his book Turning Pro, one … Continue reading Are You Pursuing Your Passion?