Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it. ―Mary Oliver Once again it is Thanksgiving week. This has been a crazy year for many reasons, and often, when things feel their bleakest, I do my best to strive for gratitude. I do have a lot to be thankful for. A job … Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving: Remember Gratitude
Her Loving Husband’s Curse
And Shadows Will Fall Will Be Here April 16, 2024!
The release of And Shadows Will Fall, the next installment of the Loving Husband series, is finally upon us. The official publication date is Tuesday, April 16, 2024. Of course, Loving Husband Series fans know that James Wentworth's birthday is April 19, so this an an almost-birthday gift for James. Here is the blurb: "What … Continue reading And Shadows Will Fall Will Be Here April 16, 2024!
Frequently Asked Questions: The Duchess of Idaho Edition
I've Received Many Questions About The Duchess of Idaho I’ve been promising this FAQ to my newsletter friends for a couple of months now, so let’s do this! 1. Are James and Sarah in the new book? Of course! What would a Loving Husband story be without James and Sarah? The main focus this time, … Continue reading Frequently Asked Questions: The Duchess of Idaho Edition
Happy Anniversary, James and Sarah: Her Dear & Loving Husband is 10 Years Old Today
Photo by Tikkho Maciel on Unsplash Today Is James and Sarah's Anniversary! I can hardly believe this as I write it, but this very day, April 19, 2021, marks the tenth anniversary of the publication of Her Dear & Loving Husband. As of this writing, more than 200,000 copies of Her Dear & Loving Husband … Continue reading Happy Anniversary, James and Sarah: Her Dear & Loving Husband is 10 Years Old Today
Where Did Vampire Stories Come From?
Autumn Is My Favorite Time Of The Year Since October begins at the end of this week, my favorite time of year is now officially on its way. I'm hoping that the holidays will bring at least some joy to our ever-crazier world. When it comes to the question "Pumpkin spice lattes, yes or no?" … Continue reading Where Did Vampire Stories Come From?
Down Salem Way Giveaway
Congratulations to the winners: Anne CrestonGinnie V.Greta A.Mark HintonJo S. ______________________________________________________________________________ To celebrate the release of all four books of the Loving Husband Series for the first time as a box set I'm giving away five paperback copies of Down Salem Way. All you need to do is fill out the simple form below. The … Continue reading Down Salem Way Giveaway
Christmas With the Wentworths
Since this post was so popular last year I thought I'd share it again. Here's Chapter 10 from Her Loving Husband's Curse. Happy holidays! * * * * * A December storm broke over Salem, swinging the skeleton branches of bare-backed trees, dropping buckets of snow here and there—along the wide lawn of Salem Common, … Continue reading Christmas With the Wentworths
Down Salem Way Free on Amazon
If you've been wanting to read Down Salem Way, it's available for free on Amazon today, 8/22, and tomorrow, 8/23. Since we're at it, When It Rained at Hembry Castle is also free today and tomorrow. The Loving Husband Trilogy is free today only. If you've been wanting to read any of my books but … Continue reading Down Salem Way Free on Amazon