Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it. ―Mary Oliver Once again it is Thanksgiving week. This has been a crazy year for many reasons, and often, when things feel their bleakest, I do my best to strive for gratitude. I do have a lot to be thankful for. A job … Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving: Remember Gratitude
The Swirl and Swing of Words is an Amazon #1 New Release in Authorship
Just a quick note today to let you know that The Swirl and Swing of Words: Embracing the Writing Life was named a #1 New Release on Amazon in Authorship as well as Creativity Self-Help and Authorship Reference. I'm always amazed when things like this happen. Thank you to everyone who has bought the book, … Continue reading The Swirl and Swing of Words is an Amazon #1 New Release in Authorship
Writing Inspiration: Facing the Fear of First Drafts
No One Likes Writing First Drafts While I will always love writing in the Loving Husband and Hembry Castle worlds, my creativity has been pulling me in other directions lately. I've started the academic research that has been on my mind for some time now, and I'm branching out in my fiction. I've been writing … Continue reading Writing Inspiration: Facing the Fear of First Drafts
The Unexpected Gift of Letting Go
A Faint Hint of Autumn In Southern Nevada it takes a little longer to feel the cooler weather. Though we’re into September and school started more than a month ago, the temperature is still well above the 90 degrees Fahrenheit mark, certainly cooler than the 100 plus degrees Fahrenheit we experience in July and August, … Continue reading The Unexpected Gift of Letting Go
Unleash Your Creativity: Why You Need a Commonplace Book
What Is A Commonplace Book? Lately, I've been seeing many posts about commonplace books. Once I discovered what commonplace books were, I was surprised I hadn't kept one before. Then I realized that I have kept commonplace books, only I called them quote journals. Maybe you have too. Commonplace books can act as second brains … Continue reading Unleash Your Creativity: Why You Need a Commonplace Book
Advice For Young Writers: How To Get Published
I Was a Guest Speaker at Writers' Block I was invited to speak at Writers' Block, a group of young people studying the craft of writing. When I asked what the group wanted to learn about, the answer came back overwhelmingly that they wanted to learn more about the publishing side of writing. As I … Continue reading Advice For Young Writers: How To Get Published
One Tip To Keep Writing (Even When It’s Hard)
Writing Can Be Hard No matter how much I love to write, sometimes it's just hard. I don't mean having writer's block, although sometimes that's an issue too. It can be a challenge to find the motivation, or it can be a challenge to find the time. I've been a professional writer for more than … Continue reading One Tip To Keep Writing (Even When It’s Hard)
What Is Authentic Writing?
Remembering Why We Became Writers As I'm working on my second nonfiction book about writing, one of the themes I keep returning to is authentic writing. As a writer, editor, and publisher, I feel as if authentic writing has been pushed aside in favor of writing as quickly as possible, publishing as quickly as possible, … Continue reading What Is Authentic Writing?