Letting Go When Something No Longer Serves You

A Faint Hint of Autumn In Southern Nevada it takes a little longer to feel the cooler weather. Though we’re into September and school started more than a month ago, the temperature is still well above the 90 degrees Fahrenheit mark, certainly cooler than the 100 plus degrees Fahrenheit we experience in July and August, … Continue reading Letting Go When Something No Longer Serves You

Down Salem Way a Semi-Finalist for the Chaucer Award

I'm pleased to say that Down Salem Way, the prequel to the bestselling paranormal historical Loving Husband Series, made it as far as a semi-finalist for the Chaucer Award in Early Historical Fiction Pre-1750s. The Joy of Being Nominated It was a thrill watching Down Salem Way make its way from longlisted to shortlisted to … Continue reading Down Salem Way a Semi-Finalist for the Chaucer Award

Character Inspiration For the Loving Husband Trilogy: Mr. Wentworth the Younger

Down Salem Way is Shortlisted For the Chaucer Prize For those of you who don't follow me on Facebook, you may not know that Down Salem Way has been shortlisted for the Chaucer Prize in Early Historical Fiction Pre-1750. I'm very excited. I know it's a cliche to say that it's an honor just to … Continue reading Character Inspiration For the Loving Husband Trilogy: Mr. Wentworth the Younger