Delve into ‘Victory Garden’ and the Suffrage Movement History

One of My Favorite Books As much as I love the Loving Husband Series and the Hembry Castle Chronicles, one of my books that really stands out to me is Victory Garden, a novel of the American women's suffrage movement. I've been so caught up writing about James and Sarah for the past few years … Continue reading Delve into ‘Victory Garden’ and the Suffrage Movement History

Unleash Your Creativity: Why You Need a Commonplace Book

What Is A Commonplace Book? Lately, I've been seeing many posts about commonplace books. Once I discovered what commonplace books were, I was surprised I hadn't kept one before. Then I realized that I have kept commonplace books, only I called them quote journals. Maybe you have too. Commonplace books can act as second brains … Continue reading Unleash Your Creativity: Why You Need a Commonplace Book

Historical Recipe From the Oregon Trail: How To Churn Butter

When Will You Need Pioneering Skills? For those of you who have read The Duchess of Idaho, you know there's a scene where Grace is both baffled and amused when her grandmother Annabelle teaches her how to churn butter. Annabelle has a feeling that Grace will need such a skill. It's a skill Grace will … Continue reading Historical Recipe From the Oregon Trail: How To Churn Butter