I wanted to share an excerpt from my latest nonfiction book, The Swirl and Swing of Words, because the idea of writers and jobs, day jobs or otherwise, has been on my mind. I recently watched a YouTube video from someone who called themselves a “full-time writer” who then admitted, later in the video, that … Continue reading Writing Inspiration: Making a Living
creative writing inspiration
Writing Inspiration: Leaning Into the Writing Life
What are you willing to give up in order to become who you really need to be?—Elizabeth Gilbert Writers are like anyone else. We require shelter, food, and water. We need companionship, in human or animal form. We do better if we recognize our purpose in this world. For me, that purpose is writing. For … Continue reading Writing Inspiration: Leaning Into the Writing Life
The Swirl and Swing of Words is an Amazon #1 New Release in Authorship
Just a quick note today to let you know that The Swirl and Swing of Words: Embracing the Writing Life was named a #1 New Release on Amazon in Authorship as well as Creativity Self-Help and Authorship Reference. I'm always amazed when things like this happen. Thank you to everyone who has bought the book, … Continue reading The Swirl and Swing of Words is an Amazon #1 New Release in Authorship
The Swirl and Swing of Words: Embracing the Writing Life is Now Available
I’ve been hoping to be able to make this announcement this autumn and here it is. My newest nonfiction book, The Swirl and Swing of Words: Embracing the Writing Life, is available today, Tuesday, October 29, 2024, in ebook format on Amazon, BN, Apple, and wherever books are sold. An AI-narrated audiobook is available from … Continue reading The Swirl and Swing of Words: Embracing the Writing Life is Now Available
Writing Inspiration: How I Wrote Victory Garden
As much as I love the Loving Husband Series and the Hembry Castle Chronicles, one of my books that really stands out to me is Victory Garden, a novel of the American women's suffrage movement. I've been so caught up writing about James and Sarah for the past few years that I haven't given Victory … Continue reading Writing Inspiration: How I Wrote Victory Garden
Frequently Asked Questions: And Shadows Will Fall Edition
Happy summer everyone. I'm always happy it's summer, but this year even more so. I recently did a promotion for Her Dear & Loving Husband, and nearly 2000 copies were downloaded in five days. The book was as low as #88 overall in the entire Amazon store, and it hung out at #1 in Historical … Continue reading Frequently Asked Questions: And Shadows Will Fall Edition
Writing Inspiration: Writing a First Draft Part 5
You Must Make Time For Writing Every writer I know has a list of well-refined Excuses. But if you are compelled to write your story, then you must write it. You must sit at your computer, or with your notebook and pen, and physically write out the words. It sounds obvious because it is obvious, … Continue reading Writing Inspiration: Writing a First Draft Part 5
Writing Inspiration: Writing a First Draft Part 4
Keep the Creator and the Editor Separate This is an old writers’ adage heard by everyone who has ever taken Creative Writing 101. The funny thing about this adage: it’s true. If you try to edit as you write, or if you’re too critical as you write, you’re going to stifle yourself, and your creativity … Continue reading Writing Inspiration: Writing a First Draft Part 4