Your First Draft Will Need Help If you accept that your first draft is going to need a crazy amount of rewriting, it frees you up to write, as Natalie Goldberg calls it in Writing Down the Bones, “the worst junk in the world.” If you've read Bird By Bird you know that Anne Lamott calls them … Continue reading Writing Inspiration: Writing a First Draft Part 3
creative writing inspiration
Writing Inspiration: Writing a First Draft Part 2
Organize your thoughts each day It’s hard to begin writing anything with only a vague idea of what we want to write. Those empty moments when we’re not sure what we want to say are when self-doubts begin to rise, Excuses invade our minds, and we decide we don’t really need to write today after all. … Continue reading Writing Inspiration: Writing a First Draft Part 2
Writing Inspiration: Writing a First Draft Part 1
A Necessary Part of the Process Every writer I've ever known, and every writer I've ever read about, says the same as Hemingway, "The only kind of writing is rewriting." Writing the first draft is a chore, but we can’t proceed to our second, third, or final draft without it. Three books that have helped … Continue reading Writing Inspiration: Writing a First Draft Part 1
Advice For Young Writers: How To Get Published
I Was a Guest Speaker at Writers' Block I was invited to speak at Writers' Block, a group of young people studying the craft of writing. When I asked what the group wanted to learn about, the answer came back overwhelmingly that they wanted to learn more about the publishing side of writing. As I … Continue reading Advice For Young Writers: How To Get Published
What Is Slow Writing and Why Is It Good For You?
My Definition of Slow Writing I had an interesting time putting this post together. Normally, when I write a post like this I do a little research to help me find others who share a similar opinion. But when I looked for slow writing on several search engines, I didn’t find much. I found some … Continue reading What Is Slow Writing and Why Is It Good For You?
One Tip To Keep Writing (Even When It’s Hard)
Writing Can Be Hard No matter how much I love to write, sometimes it's just hard. I don't mean having writer's block, although sometimes that's an issue too. It can be a challenge to find the motivation, or it can be a challenge to find the time. I've been a professional writer for more than … Continue reading One Tip To Keep Writing (Even When It’s Hard)
What Is Authentic Writing?
Remembering Why We Became Writers As I'm working on my second nonfiction book about writing, one of the themes I keep returning to is authentic writing. As a writer, editor, and publisher, I feel as if authentic writing has been pushed aside in favor of writing as quickly as possible, publishing as quickly as possible, … Continue reading What Is Authentic Writing?
Where I Find Character Inspiration: Sarah Alexander and Elizabeth Wentworth
Where Do Character Ideas Come From? Fans of the Loving Husband Series are familiar with Elizabeth Jones, the greatest love of James Wentworth’s life. She is the woman he sees across the dining room table in Salem Village in 1691, and her beauty and warmth capture his heart forever. But where did the idea for … Continue reading Where I Find Character Inspiration: Sarah Alexander and Elizabeth Wentworth