Discovering New Creative Challenges When Writing Historical Fiction

Searching For New Writing Challenges Every time I write something new I set myself a challenge to do something I’ve never done before. As an artist, I like pushing myself past my comfort zone. I like experimenting and seeing what works (and what does not). Writing is like other forms of art in that once … Continue reading Discovering New Creative Challenges When Writing Historical Fiction

A Trail of Breadcrumbs: How To Use Foreshadowing In Your Fiction

Surviving My First Term As A Doctoral Student I'm very nearly finished with my first semester as a doc student. While I seem to have survived relatively unscathed, I wonder if I'll have as much luck next term when I'll be taking a research statistics class. Let me put this in proper perspective--I haven't taken … Continue reading A Trail of Breadcrumbs: How To Use Foreshadowing In Your Fiction