Four Book Recommendations: An Eclectic List

I’m Taking Time to Read Nonfiction

Normally, I read a lot of fiction, mainly historical fiction (surprised, right?), but this summer I was bitten by the Hamilton: An American Musical bug like so many of you.

Not only have I listened to the soundtrack more times than I can count (I’m pretty sure I could perform all the roles in the show), but more than loving the rhythmic music and the eloquent lyrics, listening to Hamilton reminds me of the days when I taught U.S. History. I remember glossing over Alexander Hamilton in the American Revolution lessons saying, “Oh yeah, that’s the guy who was shot and killed by Aaron Burr” and not thinking much more of him than that.

Man, was I wrong about Hamilton. He was one interesting dude. My interest in Hamilton the musical reignited my interest in early American history, so some of my reading this summer has been biography driven.

Two Biographies By Ron Chernow

In keeping with my American Revolution theme, I’ve read Ron Chernow’s biography about Alexander Hamilton as well as his work on George Washington, Washington: A Life.

Here’s the interesting thing: George Washington, the first president of the U.S., often considered the father of his country, was not the most endearing person in the world. He had a number of stunning accomplishments, and the fact that we even have the United States is due in large part to his leadership. He was also a complicated man who owned slaves and was unremitting when it came to finding his escaped slaves. 

Alexander Hamilton, even with his fiery temperament (or perhaps because of his fiery temperament), is the more interesting man. But I’m still glad I read the Washington biography. Chernow made me rethink everything I thought I knew about George Washington, which is a good thing. Too often we accept the stories we hear about our leaders without taking the time to read for ourselves and form our own judgments.

Benjamin Franklin: An American Life by Walter Isaacson

Another biography I’ve read this summer is Walter Isaacson’s Benjamin Franklin: An American Life. I have to say I’m kind of digging on Benjamin Franklin right now.

Franklin wasn’t perfect—no one is—but he’s my favorite founding father. If all he ever did was make his discoveries about electricity, that alone would be enough for us to know his name. He was stubborn, determined, and gregarious, but most of all he was damn funny, which scores points with me every time.

Goddesses Never Age By Dr. Christiane Northrup

Northup’s book is a positive look at aging, which is a message we need desperately. Aging is seen as something negative in our society, which is unfortunate since we’re all doing it, if we’re lucky.

Goddesses Never Age talks about staying active, being healthy, and not believing that your body has to break down just because you pass a certain birthday. The older I get, the more I appreciate that message.

And One Novel For Good Measure

I haven’t been reading much fiction, which is unusual for me, but one novel I’ve enjoyed is Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. You can call Neverwhere a Harry Potter for adults with the invisible underground stations and parallel lives in different dimensions, but that would be too simplistic to explain this quirky dark fairy tale. I already have Gaiman’s American Gods downloaded onto my Kindle.
